Monday, June 15, 2015

Why Not Me?

You know, it's funny. I gave birth back in January and worked my ass off so that by the 12 week mark, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Not only was did I succeed, but I got below pre-pregnancy. That's not to say that I got to my lowest weight, but it was definitely a start.

I gained a healthy, doctor recommended, 35 lbs during pregnancy and just watched it fall away with a lot of hard work and discipline. That's the power of having goals. I had in my mind a deadline that I wanted to meet and I met it.

The problem? I neglected to create new goals once my old ones were met.

So what happened? In the eight weeks since I've been back to work, I'm actually 4 lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight. Yep. I gained back 7 lbs total.

Now, to look at me, you wouldn't be able to tell that I gave birth just 20 weeks ago, but that's not the point. The point is, that I'm not personally where I want to be. So this is me, holding myself accountable and reporting on my goals and my journey to get to a body I have always wanted. I'm on a great eating plan and I'm taking my health back thanks to a friend's program. Will there be ups and downs? Sure. Will I be 100% disciplined? Probably not. I'm only human and we slip up sometimes and I also believe in having a little fun now and then. But it starts TODAY and it starts with ME.

So when you see a picture of a person with a body you admire, don't say "You Can't!" and instead, tell yourself "Why Not Me?" and really when it comes down to it...WHY NOT YOU? I can do this! I WILL do this! and so can you! Starting Now.


18% body fat
115-120 lbs

Today's Measurements:

135.8 lbs
other measurements will be taken later

Come train with me!


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